(The episode begins at what appears to be a watering hole in an African plain. Zebras, giraffes, and other animals are drinking from it. A shadow passes over the zebras and they look up. All of the animals around the watering hole flee. The X-1 is seen in the sky and it is starting to land. As it lands the boys can be seen in the X-1 waking up. Brock is piloting and Rusty is in the co-pilot seat.)
- Hank: Cool! Hey Pop, you didn’t tell us we were going to Africa today.
- Rusty Venture: Ah, great. They’re up.
- Hank: Dude, look. Elephants.
- Dean: That’s (Getting cards out of a box.) Loxodonta africana. You can tell which ones are the males because they’re the only ones with tusks.
- Hank: I got no problem telling which one’s the male bro. Check out the fifth leg on that beast.
- Dean: It’s called a trunk.
- Hank: It’s called you’re a spaz and that ain’t what I’m talking about.
- Rusty Venture: Brock, be ready with your tranq gun on my signal. Those two are going to be bouncing off the walls if they figure out where we are.
- Brisby: (Over a radio.) Dr. Venture, you’re right on time. My assistant Mandalay is standing by to escort you-
- Rusty Venture: Um, yeah, OK, great. That’ll be fine. Over and-
- Brisby: And may I take this opportunity to welcome you-
- Rusty Venture: Oh crap.
- Brisby: To Brisbyland!
- Hank and Dean: Brisbyland!
(It is revealed that the X-1 has actually landed in the fenced in “African Veldt” section of Brisbyland.)
Act 1[]
(On the stair case leading into the X-1. The boys come down wearing their Brisby caps. Rusty and Brock are following behind them.)
- Hank and Dean: Brisbyland! This is gonna be phat city.
- Dean: I am all over that teacup ride.
- Rusty Venture: Boys, halt. You are “all over” no such thing. You’re both to stay aboard the X-1.
- Dean: What?
- Hank: Aw, weak.
- Rusty Venture: (Now off the staircase with Brock and leaving the boys on the stairs.) Weak, schmeak, Hank. We’re here for business, not for fun.
- Dean: But, Pop.
- Hank: What are you, on the rag?
- Rusty Venture: It’s impossible for me to be on the rag. I’m a- I can’t believe I’m even arguing about this with you. What men’s room did you pick up that kind of trash talk in?
(Hank and Dean point to Brock who is emptying an ash tray by tapping it against one of the X-1’s wheels.)
- Rusty Venture: Nice. Well I was going to let you go on the Runaway Shoe ride after my meeting, but you two just sassed yourselves back on the X-1, so march.
(The boys throw off their caps and ascend the stairs.)
- Rusty Venture: Look at this family values freakfest.
(Dean walks back down the stairs to pick up and dust off his cap.)
- Rusty Venture: This place is so squeaky clean it gives me the wicked jeebies.
- Dean: Hey Pop... black guy.
(Mandalay suddenly comes out in front of Rusty Venture)
- Rusty Venture: You must be Mandalay.
(Rusty extends out his hand. Mandalay just stares.)
- Rusty Venture: Uh, I’m Dr. Thaddeus Venture. This is my bodyguard Brock.
(Mandalay stares.)
- Rusty Venture: I, um, have an appointment with Mr. Bris-
(Mandalay swiftly moves his arm out to his side. Rusty cringes and Brock reaches for his knife. Rusty then laughs as he realizes Mandalay was gesturing to go with him.)
- Rusty Venture: OK.
(Mandalay starts walking away.)
- Rusty Venture: (to Brock) Mute.
(Mandalay drives Rusty and Brock in a bee shaped cart. They are then seen walking down a hallway. Mandalay stops in front of a door and turns his back to the wall next to it. He opens the door and Mr. Brisby is seen in his wheelchair looking into the fire going on in the fireplace. The room looks like a study. Brisby doesn’t turn around.)
- Brisby: Come in Dr. Venture. Come. I’m afraid your man will have to wait outside while we discuss business, however.
(Mandalay bars Brock from entering with his arm.)
- Rusty Venture: Easy Brock. He’s a cripple and he’s, like, 100. What’s gonna happen?
(The door closes and Brock sits down on the bench next to the door.)
(Brisby still hasn't turned around from the fireplace)
- Brisby: Welcome Dr. Venture...
(Brisby turns around towards Rusty. Brisby’s face is frozen in a grim fixture. His lips are open, but his teeth are clenched. His eyes are wide open as well.)
- Brisby: the funnest place on earth!
- Rusty Venture: (freaking out) HOLY, DAMN IT, CHRISTMAS!
(Outside the study, Brock jumps up from the bench in alarm. Mandalay stares at him and then Brock sits back down.)
(Rusty is cowering in his seat.)
- Brisby: Does my appearance startle you Dr. Venture?
- Rusty Venture: No, not at all. I- as a man of science I see all kinds of things.
- Brisby: Several years ago, I fell victim to an animatronic accident here at the park. Trapped beneath an unstoppable metal Lincoln for two hours. It’s enough to give anyone a stroke.
- Rusty Venture: Well you... look like a million bucks.
- Brisby: (Picking up a Bizzy Bee thermos.) All thanks to this little bee. (He opens its head.) Panda’s milk?
- Rusty Venture: Huh? Um, OK. (He takes a glass from Brisby.)
- Brisby: (Brisby slurps his glass with a straw.) One of the rarest beverages on earth and a natural elixir.
- Rusty Venture: (Tries some.) It’s actually not that disgusting. (A chewing sound can be heard.) That noise is making me nauseous though.
- Brisby: Oh that? That’s just Li Li enjoying her lunch.
- Rusty Venture: Li Li?
- Brisby: (A panda is seen in the corner chewing on bamboo.) Yes, my longtime companda. I won her from David Bowie in a trivia contest. This was 1980, ‘81 perhaps, years before the big trivia craze, but then Bowie always was a trendsetter.
(Brisby’s straw falls away from his mouth and he is unable to reach it.)
(In the X-1. Dean is looking out the window with binoculars. Hank is looking out the window.)
- Hank: Slippery Gulch sure looks fun from here.
- Dean: I spy, an antelope. They can run up to forty-five miles per hour.
(Dean is looking at an antelope card.)
- Hank: Ah, this sucks. Why do we have to get stuck here while Dad and Brock get to tool around in Bizzy Bee’s head?
- Brock: So, how long you work for this guy?
- Mandalay: (Icy silence)
- Brisby: Now that we’ve exchanged pleasantries and hot panda milk, Dr. Venture let’s talk business. I want you to clone me.
- Rusty Venture: Cloning? I wouldn’t know anything about that, seeing as Congress has banned all cloning research in North America.
- Brisby: Congress. Bah. Bunch of out of work astronauts and C-list actors. They’re not men of vision, men like you and me. Men like, your father. Your father and I were great friends you know.
(He moves his wheelchair over to a shelf that has a picture of him and Jonas Venture, Sr. on it. They’re shaking hands and they both have shovels.)
- Brisby: In fact, he designed a number of the rides and attractions at the first Brisby theme park. You’re probably too young to remember.
(Rusty has a flashback of himself as a child sitting in a teacup shaped structure attached to a machine. He is wearing a helmet.)
- Rusty Venture: Do I have to Dad?
- Jonas Venture, Sr.: (About to pull a switch.) You said you wanted to help Daddy, son.
(He pulls the switch and the teacup starts moving violently up and down.)
(Out of the flashback.)
- Rusty Venture: I vaguely remember him mentioning it. (He takes a pill.)
- Brisby: And I vaguely remember him mentioning he was dabbling in clone research. I’m willing to pay handsomely for his notes alone.
- Rusty Venture: So, this is about him, then, not me. Well I don’t know if I’ve kept any of Dad’s old notes.
- Brisby: Don’t play coy with me. Of course, you kept them. You’ve been riding his corpse’s coattails your entire adult life.
- Rusty Venture: Hey. Where do you get off? You don’t know me.
- Brisby: Oh, I know you, Dr. Venture. My researchers are very thorough. For instance, you’re not actually a doctor of anything. You never finished school. I also know that since you took over Venture Industries profits have gone zippity-doo-dah.
- Rusty Venture: I- that’s it. The deal is off. I don’t care if you are rich. I don’t have to take this crap from a gimp.
(Fireworks are shooting off)
- Hank: Aw, now they’re shooting off fireworks over Smile Island. Unbelievable.
- Dean: I spy a, um, (Looks through his card container.) huh, I don’t have a card for that one.
(Dean looks out the window to see a hippopotamus.)
- Hank: If you don’t knock it off with the wildlife cards already you’re going to be spying my foot up your wow-hole, Dean, seriously.
(Two men in military-esque uniforms open the hippo’s mouth from inside.)
(Outside Brisby’s study. Brock is about to smoke a cigarette, but finds that his pack is empty. Mandalay offers him a cigarette and then offers to light it.)
- Brisby: So that’s your final word is it?
- Rusty Venture: Yes. Call me a golf cart. I’m leaving.
- Brisby: Now.
- Rusty Venture: Yes, now. I’m not spending another-
- Brisby: Now, damn it, now.
- Rusty Venture: Hey. What are you-
(Li Li puts Rusty in a black bag.)
(Outside the study. Brock is smoking his cigarette next to Mandalay.)
- Brock: You’re alright.
(He hears Rusty scream from inside the study.)
- Dean: I spy a big, pink, stinky, who stinks, and he’s stupid.
- Hank: That’s it, pussy willow.
(Hank tackles Dean.)
- Dean: My hair!
(From outside it can be seen that the men who were inside the hippo are now approaching the X-1.)
- Hank: Yeah, come on. Come on. You gonna cry?
(Inside the study. Li Li is pinning Rusty, who is still in a black bag, down on the floor. Brock then breaks the door down and Mandalay goes flying through.)
- Rusty Venture: Brock? Thank God. His freaking panda’s trained to put me in a bag.
- Brisby: (Brock begins to slow down.) Why whatever is the matter, Mr. Samson? Feeling woozy? Perhaps you should cut down on your smoking. You’d be surprised at the amount of chemicals the average cigarette contains.
- Brock: Chloral hydrate...
(Brock falls to the floor unconscious.)
- Rusty Venture: (From inside the bag)' That didn’t sound good.
- Brisby: Those things’ll kill ya!
(He moves over to the fireplace and starts laughing. His laughing soon turns to screams as the fire catches on him.)
- Brisby: Mandalay! Help me! I’ve come aflame again.
(Li Li jumps over to him and knocks him out of his wheelchair and then rolls him on the floor.)
(Hank has Dean pinned on the floor and is dangling spit from his mouth.)
- Hank: Uh oh. It’s gonna snap. I can’t hold it.
- Dean: Alright. Knock it off.
- Hank: You are so lucky I had milk earlier. Uh oh, there it goes.
- Dean: Uncle!
(The men are just outside the cockpit. They open the door and rush in. They press half of an orange into Hank’s nose and he becomes unconscious. The spit falls from his mouth and goes into Dean’s mouth. The men then press half of an orange into Dean’s nose.)
(Within Brisby’s beehive structure. Mandalay takes the bag off of Rusty. Brisby approaches Rusty. Men in bee costumes are standing guard.)
- Brisby: I admit that was a bit theatrical Dr. Venture, but if there’s one thing cartoons have taught me it’s that one can never be too careful.
- Rusty Venture: Your panda broke my glasses.
- Brisby: We’ll replace them at once. We have many glasses here. We have everything you need.
- Rusty Venture: Where the hell is here?
- Brisby: Your home for the time being. Welcome, Dr. Venture, to the Brisby-dome.
(The Brisby-dome appears to still be undergoing construction. A crane sits in the middle of it and scaffolding can be seen in various areas.)
- Rusty Venture: This is that ridiculous giant beehive next door to your study isn’t it? You knocked me out and put me in a bag to bring me fifty yards?
Act 2[]
- Molotov: Samson.
(Brock can now be seen covered in tar and being dragged by a rope. He appears unconscious.)
- Molotov: Samson.
- Brock: (He slowly opens his eyes to a starry night sky.) Pretty.
- Molotov: Samson you are still with us?
(The rope around Brock is attached to Molotov’s car. She is standing next to him. He was just pulled out of a tar pit.)
- Molotov: You know I would never let anyone kill my Samson.
- Brock: Molotov...Cocktease...
- Molotov: That is my job.
(She puts her foot down on Brock’s face.)
(Hank and Dean are tied up in chairs within a gym. There are men standing around them in the same uniforms as the men that captured them. Their leader, Ted, is also wearing an orange cape and an orange shaped helmet/hat.)
- Ted: We only wanted your plane. We have no intention of hurting you boys.
- Ted: Are you comfortable? Do you want more juice? Debbie, give the Venture boys more juice.
(Debbie pours juice into Hank’s glass.)
- Hank: Where are we?
- Dean: And what do you want with us?
- Ted: You’re in the gymnasium at the Orange County Community College and you’re being held hostage by the Orange County Liberation Front.
- OC Liberation Front Members: Free O.C. Free O.C.
(Ted holds up his hand to silence them.)
- Dean: Well, our dad has a strict policy never to negotiate with terrorists for our lives so you’re wasting your time.
- Ted: We’re not terrorists. We’re normal folks, men and women with jobs and homes and families. (A pager goes off.)
- Todd: Oh, thats me. I gotta go. Peggy’s going into labor.
- Ted: That’s great Todd. Give her my best. (Todd exits.) What do you two know about the man your father is working for?
- Hank: Well duh. He’s Roy Brisby, the guy that makes all those great Bizzy Bee cartoons. Where have you been?
- Ted: He is the devil in the flesh, and that animated abomination he created is the angel of death bringing darkness to this world.
(Within the Brisby-dome. Brisby, Mandalay, Rusty, and two guards are on a walkway. There are men in bee costumes at work constructing the Brisby-dome.)
- Brisby: Won’t you reconsider, Dr. Venture? Brisbyland was but a prelude, the next step is Brisby life. And this Brisby-dome is the model. The perfect society in the Brisby mold. Safe, clean, self-sufficient, and for the mere price of a simple clone, you too can be a part of it.
- Rusty Venture: Get it straight, you cadaver on wheels, I’m not working for you and I’m not staying in your crappy Brisby-dome. Did you forget about “no”?
- Brisby: I need you to clone me Dr. Venture, that I might live to see my dream fulfilled. This dried old husk of mine might be broken and used up, but my brain is as alert and alive as the day I scribbled my first Bizzy Bee.
- Rusty Venture: Oh. (Laughs.) Now I see. You know, it took me a minute, but I just got it.
- Brisby: Got it? So you’ll come aboard?
- Rusty Venture: Oh, no, no, no. What I just got is that you’re like a total jacked up freaky-deaky crazypants.
- Brisby: I see. Mandalay!
(Mandalay grabs Rusty and is about to inject him with a syringe.)
- Rusty Venture: No! Brock! (He looks at his bare wrist where his communicator should be) Come in, Br-
(He falls to the floor unconscious after being injected in the neck.)
- Brisby: (Laughs and starts moving backwards slowly.) I built an empire on the back of a cartoon bee, Venture. Did you really think I’d allow you-
(He falls and screams out of view of the screen down some stairs. A guard runs to the top of the stairs.)
- Guard: You OK, sir?
- Brisby: This is what you call wheelchair-accessible?!
(Brock is in the tub unconscious. Molotov is dabbing at his face with a cotton ball to get the tar off. The water in the tub is black and Brock seems to be fully clean of the tar. Brock quickly wakes up and slams Molotov into the toilet next to the tub. He gets out and Molotov sweeps his legs out with a kick. She flips over to straddle him.)
- Molotov: Mmm. How long has it been Samson?
- Brock: Three years, forty-eight days.
- Molotov: Ah, yes. Prague, wasn’t it? Or was it Lisbon?
(Brock rolls her over to the ground.)
- Brock: Akron.
- Molotov: Of course. Laser Zeppelin at the planetarium.
(She pulls Brock’s arms down and slams his head into the floor and then pushes him into the motel room with her legs. Brock does a back hand spring to land and picks up his knife at the same time. He throws his knife and Molotov catches it with her mouth. She takes the knife in her hand and licks the blade.)
- Molotov: However did you survive the fall?
- Brock: Landed in a dump truck full of circus peanuts.
(He gestures to her to attack him. After they exchange some blows Brock throws her to the bed and wraps her up in a sheet. He then smacks her against the walls and floor until he slams her back down on the bed. He pulls the sheet off her face.)
- Molotov: You killed my father.
- Brock: After you killed my partner.
- Molotov: You took my eye.
- Brock: After you took... my heart.
(They begin kissing.)
- Molotov: (Mostly unclothed) Nyet. You know I can only go to second base.
(She is wearing a chastity belt with the hammer and sickle on it.)
- Brock: Still? After all these years? (Molotov nods.) Ahh. I thought the Cold War was over. (He punches a lamp.)
- Molotov: It’s always cold in Siberia.
(Brock finds a pack of cigarettes on the floor. He takes two out and lights them. Molotov reaches for one and then withdraws her hand.)
- Brock: You want one of these?
(She nods and he tosses her the pack. She takes one out and lights it. As Brock watches her smoke, he can’t control himself and stabs his knife into the bed and tears it open. Now with an erection underneath the towel wrapped around his waist.)
- Brock:I got to go take care of something.
- Ted: I ask you, what honey does Bizzy Bee produce? Destruction.
- Dean: I think you must be mistaken. See?
(Dean pulls his wallet out from his back pocket.)
- Dean: This is Bizzy Bee. He’s really cute. I have his lunchbox too, and all the toys-
- Ted: Get that thing out of my sight. (He backhands the wallet out of Dean’s hand.) I hate that damn bee.
- OC Liberation Front Members: Kill the bee. Kill the bee.
- Dean: But I like him.
- Ted: He’s devoured Orange County bit by bit to make way for the ever expanding Brisbyland. The site where his new Brisby-dome now stands was once a beautiful residential neighborhood with a very convenient shopping mall.
- Chad: Don’t forget the skate park.
- Ted: A skate park too. Right. Chad here used to be a professional skater. There was also a very pleasant Applebee’s.
- Debbie: Ted and I met at that Applebee’s.
- Ted: Debbie and I met at that Applebee’s. Do you see what that bee has done to our beloved county? (The boys nod their heads.) And it’s not just here. (The boys shake their heads.) Brisby’s cartoon cancer has already spread to Florida where we’re loosely affiliated with the Sunshine State Freedom Front.
- OC Liberation Front Member: Loosely. Those people are weird down there.
- Ted: Eurobrisby has gained a foothold in France. Times Square has fallen. Where is it going to end? Well, I’ll tell you where. Right here, right now, with the help of Bizzy Bee himself. (He now has a Bizzy Bee hat in each hand.)
- Dean: It’s our Bizzy Bee Club hats.
- Ted: No. These were stolen from Brisbycorp headquarters last week by one of our agents. They’re prototypes.
- Hank: Aw, super new Bizzy Bee Club hats.
- Dean: Neat. Do they light up?
- Ted: No. According to Brisbycorp internal memos, they were intended for mind control. Still think your little Bizzy Bee is cute?
(Hank and Dean shrug their shoulders at each other.)
- Ted: Good. Then you two will make the perfect test subjects.
(In a hexagonal shaped chamber. Rusty is seated in a chair unconscious. He has wires attached to him. Mandalay is standing behind him and Brisby is in front of him. One of Brisby’s drones is standing behind some kind of monitor.)
- Brisby: The truth serum should’ve taken effect by now. It’s time to learn what Dr. Venture knows about cloning. Mandalay, wake him.
(Mandalay slaps Rusty across the face.)
- Brisby: Now. State your name.
- Rusty Venture: (In a dreamy voice) Reading from top to bottom. Lisa.
(Turns on a lamp.)
- Rusty Venture: Carol.
(Turns on another lamp.)
- Rusty Venture: Freemont.
(Turns on another lamp.)
- Drone: (Looking at a printout.) Uh. He’s telling the truth.
(Molotov is sitting on the floor next to the bathroom door.)
- Molotov: Anyway, it wasn’t Brisby who took the boys. It was some sort of revolutionary group.
- Brock: (From inside the bathroom.) Just a minute.
(He starts panting and yelping as he...relieves his frustration. Opens the door and zips up his pants.)
- Brock: Know where the boys are?
- Ted: What do we want?
- OC Liberation Front Members: Free O.C. Free O.C.
- Ted: What are we gonna do?
- OC Liberation Front Members: Kill the bee. Kill the bee.
(Hank and Dean are now wearing orange shaped helmets on their heads and wearing OCLF uniforms.)
- Hank and Dean: Kill the bee. Kill the bee.
(Debbie shakes a doll of Bizzy Bee at them and the boys start attacking it.)
- OC Liberation Front Member: Jeez Ted, those hats really worked. Did you turn them all the way up to Patty Hearst.
- Ted: Orange County Liberation Front, we are ready. We attack Brisbyland tonight.
(The OCLF members cheer and exit the gym.)
- Debbie: Ted wait. I did the Liberation Front’s chart (pulls out a piece of paper from a folder) and tonight is actually a great night to launch a new project for us.
- Ted: That’s great hon, but we have to-
- Debbie: Plus, Cosmo says orange is this year’s black.
(Ted is restraining himself from slapping Debbie.)
- Debbie: That’s got to be a good sign right?
(Debbie holds up a magazine. Ted restrains himself and pats her on the head.)
(Outside the Orange County Community College. Two OCLF members stand guard at a fence.)
- OC Liberation Front Member: (Speaking into a radio.) All clear sir. Brad and I will follow in his van. Over.
(Brock comes out of the bushes with a metal pole.)
- Brad: Your bag has snaps. Mine has velcro. Look at this.
- OC Liberation Front Member: Yeah, you got one of the new ones. I got mine back in ‘9-
(Brock pole vaults over the fence by jamming the pole into the mouth of the OCLF member.)
- Brad: Hey.
(Molotov does a front hand spring off of Brad’s shoulders to get over the fence. The X-1 is starting to take off from the Orange County Community College. Brock is running towards it. He jumps and just barely misses grabbing onto the X-1. He picks up a rock and throws it. The rock hits H.E.L.P.eR, who is in his perch, on the head. H.E.L.P.eR waves to Brock.)
- Molotov: You know this robot?
- Brock: Ya, wait a minute. If I summon him, he’ll override the X-1’s controls and bring her back here.
(He presses a button on his watch.)
- Brock: He’s programmed to come when we call him.
(The light blinks on H.E.L.P.eR’s head and he hoists himself out of his perch and then throws himself off of the X-1. He plummets to the ground.)
- Molotov: Back to my car. I know where they’re going.
INT. INTERROGATION ROOM (In the hexagonal chamber. Rusty is lying on top of a table.)
- Rusty Venture: (In a dreamy, Southern-belle voice) I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers.
- Drone: (Looking at a printout.) This is ridiculous. We’re not getting anything useful out of him sir.
- Brisby: The serum must be interacting with something in his system. The man’s a pill-popper after all.
(A loud crash can be heard.)
- Brisby: Mandalay. What’s happening?
- Rusty Venture: Oh mercy. Which one of you strapping young bucks will catch my fall?
(He rolls off of the table.)
(Mandalay opens the door to the Brisby-dome to see OCLF members rappelling down from the ceiling. Another explosion goes off.)
- Brisby: Jiminy Crickets. Do something.
(OCLF members and Brisby’s drones are seen fighting around the Brisby-dome. More OCLF members with machine guns are seen storming the Brisby-dome.)
- OC Liberation Front Member: Move, move, move.
(Brock and Molotov enter.)
- Brock: See if you can locate Dr. Venture. I’ll look for the boys.
- Molotov: Nyet, Samson. I have my own mission to attend to.
- Brock: What? What about helping me?
- Molotov: I help only my client. Did you forget? I’m a mercenary.
(They kiss and then she slaps Brock and fires off a grappling pistol upwards and leaves Brock. A Brisby drone then tackles Brock.)
- Ted: (After throwing a grenade.) Rally Orange County Liberation Front. Rally.
(Rusty clumsily walks out of the chamber.)
- Rusty Venture: What the hell is going on out here?
(An explosion sends Rusty over the railing. Brock takes a nail gun from a downed Brisby drone and shoots it at Rusty. The nail hits Rusty’s pant leg and now he is hanging upside down against the wall. Brock mows down some more Brisby drones until he stops at Mandalay. Mandalay cracks his fingers. Brock cracks his neck. Rusty’s pant leg tears and he starts falling again. Brock shoots another nail at him and gets the other pant leg.)
- Rusty Venture: Thank you Brock.
(Brock then points the nail gun at Mandalay.)
- Mandalay: Yo, I just work here, man, and I don’t even need this job no more. (He leaves.)
(The boys rappel down with rope. They are holding machine guns.)
- Hank: Die, Brisby scum.
(Rusty can be heard screaming and then Brock shoots another nail at him off camera.)
- Brock: Listen boys. Put down the firearms.
- Dean: Kill the bee. Kill the bee. (An intense strain can be seen in Dean’s face.) Kill the bee.
(Brisby is at his desk packing things into a brief case. Li Li is behind him.)
- Brisby: We’re under attack. Have my private jet ready to fly to Florida immediately. We’re moving the operation to-
(Molotov enters holding a gun.)
- Molotov: You know what I’m here for Brisby. Turn it over and you don’t have to die tonight.
(Brisby is sweating. Somehow, he has come aflame again.)
- Brock: You don’t want to shoot me boys. You know me. You know what I’ll do to you if you do.
- Hank: Kill... the... bee?
(Hank and Dean look at each other. As they do Brock knocks their heads together.)
- Hank: What’d you do that for Brock?
- Rusty Venture: (Off camera.)Hello? Anyone?
- Dean: Hey Daddy.
- Hank: Hey Pop.
- Rusty Venture: (Is now pinned to the wall by his wrist. Blood is dripping down his arm.) Hello boys. Brock. You think you could help me out here? I’m starting to black out.
- Dean: Hey wait a minute. We’re in Brisbyland! Oh, you’re the best daddy ever, Pop.
- Hank and Dean: Go Team Venture!
- Rusty Venture: Yes, yes-
(Brock takes out the nail from Rusty’s wrist and he falls down to the floor.)
(It’s daytime. Molotov is seen driving her car. She is on the phone.)
- Molotov: All went according to plan. There were no complications. The threat has been neutralized and your package has been secured...
(Li Li is revealed to be sitting in the passenger seat.)
- Molotov:...Mr. Bowie.