Unoffical Venture Brothers Playing Cards?
Anyone else see those playing cards that keep popping up?
Is it the same guy that was doing the baseball cards, Pauldo Wars? Which speaking of what the heck happened to him, he used to write the Machineland comics and a bunch of other stuff and he seems to have let all his stuff expire and die except his instagram?
Seems they're in Australia?
This one
is Debra St. Simone hank and dean real mother
the the movie Debra said she had given rusty some her stuff that she wasn't going use anyway which may be her eggs and rusty use that and made the twins
Venture Bros is Officially Cancelled
Jackson confirmed it today on Twitter. We're not even going to get a Season 8. HBO Max and Netflix are our only hope to see this amazing show continue, but no matter how hard I hope I know deep down it probably won't happen. It's amazing the show went through 7 seasons and it sucks that it won't get a proper conclusion. I'm so sad. Go Team Venture...
Project: Verbis
Literally meaning "Project: Words".
I'm going to be starting a huge, solo project to record the voices of each main character, then post them, as quotes, on the wiki. The Fallout wiki has a similar structure - it's just that I have the capability to record the series' audio. So... do not worry about the many edits that will happen in the next few days. I'm a bit of an... obsessor.